Agent & Ori's Battle-versary

Our anniversary wish is to watch our friends fight to the death.

battle-versary banner

Winning Team

#1 Epic Shooters

FairlyEpic1, Slickshooter_, DecentlyEpic
Games: 11 Kills: 32 Tokens: 21 Points: 74


Hunt: Showdown Tournament
03/17/24 - 5 pm EST/2 pm PT
How to Win:
Score the most points in 3 hours.
1 pt per kill, 2 pts per bounty token
Game Rules:
  • Must queue in trios now matter team size.
  • Use any hunters/loadout
  • No pre-leveled hunters
Other Stuff:
  • One team member should be in Discord 30 minutes before start time to go over rules/ask any questions.
  • Agent will be streaming your streams. If that's not something you're comfortable with please let us know.
  • Icy will be available in a voice channel if you have any questions.
  • You can use your own voice channels (or a room in the Agency) but someone needs to have access to your team's rooms in the Agency Discord to post screenshots.
  • Screenshot your Missions Summary after each round and post it in your teams Discord channel - one screenshot per round.
  • If your screenshot results in an error from the Martini bot - Do not re-post. We'll add the points manually.
  • Do not delete and re-submit a screenshot - Let us or Icy know if you have an issue.


update: --

#ranking team_name

member1, member2, member3
Games: 0 Kills: 0 Tokens: 0 Points: 0

#ranking team_name

member1, member2, member3
Games: 0 Kills: 0 Tokens: 0 Points: 0

#ranking team_name

member1, member2, member3
Games: 0 Kills: 0 Tokens: 0 Points: 0

#ranking team_name

member1, member2, member3
Games: 0 Kills: 0 Tokens: 0 Points: 0